
Surely every work of art is informed by the subconscious? True, but most artists would contend that their work is mainly the result of conscious, rational decisions. Some writers though, draw their ideas from dreams. Franz Kafka, for example. The Klecksograph seeks to explore and celebrate art where the membrane between it and the subconscious is at its thinnest. Consequently the works in this magazine can’t be termed realistic. At the same time, however, it’s not the intention to publish works of magical realism in the conventional sense: where a conscious effort is made to subvert the expectations of realist fiction. Yet magical realist or surrealist writing or visual art isn’t automatically excluded.


The magazine is also meant to embody something akin to Rabindranath Tagore's concept of Vishwa Sahitya, a universal spirit manifesting itself through the arts. As its focus is the subconscious , this would also highlight intercultural subconscious themes and images.


You may wonder why the magazine is in English. Many may see it as the language of the colonizer and the imperialist, but so was Latin, which helped to spread Greek philosophy and remained an international language long after the Roman Empire had fallen.

My Struggle with the Terminology

Unconscious or subconscious? The latter was a term first used and discarded by Sigmund Freud in favor of the terms das Vorbewusste and das Unbewusste. The philosopher Rudolph Eisler used the term das Unterbewusste to refer to the background of conscious decisions.

In recent times the psychological term unconscious is used to refer to all that isn't subject to the conscious, while the term subconscious has remained in use in literature on self-help and creativity. The decision to use the term subconscious is a personal one and is meant to signify that I'm looking to cover a middle ground between the scientific and artistic.